I went through hell to get this stuff work, but finally I got it. As partly mentioned in part 2 of this series I wanted to create an IIS hosted rest-service without the need of adding a svc-file. So I created an empty web-project, added a global.asax file and added the following code in the Application_Start method:
WindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer();
There is no need to configure the service in the web.config-file except ASP.NET Compatibility which is needed by the Routes.Add code-line.
kind regards,
I went through hell to get this stuff work, but finally I got it. As partly mentioned in part 2 of this series I wanted to create an IIS hosted rest-service without the need of adding a svc-file. So I created an empty web-project, added a global.asax file and added the following code in the Application_Start method:
WindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer();
ServiceHostFactoryBase factory = new WindsorServiceHostFactory<RestServiceModel>(container.Kernel);
container.AddFacility<WcfFacility>(f =>
f.CloseTimeout = TimeSpan.Zero)
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("MyService", factory, typeof(IMyService)));
There is no need to configure the service in the web.config-file except ASP.NET Compatibility which is needed by the Routes.Add code-line.
kind regards,